Using A HAMMER To REPAIR A Broken SOLAR PANEL? #stupidtechfixes

I attempt to fix my broken solar panel using a hammer. #techfails

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How To CURE VAPOR LOCK In Your GENERATOR And Carbureted Classic RV Or VAN!

This hobo tech tip shows how to prevent or fix vapor lock issues in small gasoline engines used for generators, or even older classic cars, vans or RV’s that use carburetors.

#curevaporlock #preventvaporlock #generatorvaporlock #rvlife #rvlifeclub #rvlifestyle #rvliving #fulltimerv #vanlife #vanliving #campervan #vanlifediaries #camperlife #camping #campinglife #fulltimers 

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Generator SMACKDOWN! Onboard ONAN Vs. Cheap PORTABLE For RV Vanlife NOMADS?

We go head to head and list the pros and cons of having a built in onboard Onan generator verses a cheaper portable generator for generating power for full or part time nomadic van life and RV living.

#onangenerators #sportsmangenerator #onboardvsportable #cheapgenerators #nomadpower #rvlife #rvlifeclub #rvlifestyle #rvliving #fulltimerv #vanlife #vanliving #campervan #vanlifediaries #camperlife #camping #campinglife #fulltimers 

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