I do a real time vlog response to your many comments about my Roadtrek’s busted Onan generator, and give an update about the final batch of Jackery power station “any solar panel” adapter cables.
#onangenerator #prescottnationalforest #boondocking #freecamping #rvlife #rvlifeclub #rvlifestyle #rvliving #fulltimerv #vanlife #vanliving #campervan #vanlifediaries #camperlife #camping #campinglife #fulltimers
Allen R Schultz says:
Dear Tom, this is AL Schultz with the 1992 RT 210, one of 6 with a bathtub. Previous owners said they removed %£%” dam Ohnonn gen. because it kept breaking down very expensively $$$! I bought a Honda 2K get. for$950. Even with intake +exhaust fans next to accessdoor there’s lots of room for generator + sound insulation. I am extenning cabinetry up about 8″, anotherwords raising the bed as the Honda is taller. All the wiring is still there, so everything still uses the battery’s, or try to. I don’t know anything about elect. so I will just run 2 extention cords, 1forward, 1 back. I just bought a 325 solar panel. I plan on using your methods to mount it on roof over bed. I really enjoy your articals. Now I have to learn from you what else I need. Thanks so much for all you do. PS I still would send you a check every once in awhile, if you had a mail address! AL
HOBOTECH Tom says:
Thanks for your comment, Allen. If you want to send something in the mail please use the “contact” tab to send a message to me and I will send you my shipping address.